Our Facility

At Coteau Grove Farms


Our Facility Amenities



  • Two barns

  • 22 stalls

  • Includes foaling stalls

  • Stabling for our broodmares, foals and young horses

  • State of the art video monitoring systems allow us to keep an eye on our horses

The office is part of our main barn with a full service kitchen, laundry facilities and the latest technology that gives us access to data and information for all of our horses. The office walls and cabinets are decorated with photos and trophies that are a testament to our horses, staff and the success our foal crop has at the racetrack.


The grounds are manicured and an asphalt drive winds its way through the farm. Visitors often comment about how peaceful and beautiful the farm is. Our horses and cattle love to greet our staff and visitors. It’s a sign that they are content and well.

Paddocks & Pastures

Our farm has 400 acres of paddocks and pastures for our broodmares and foals. Our soil and forage has been compared to Kentucky land. Some of our land has gentle rolling hills that help our young horses as they grow. Turnout sheds provide shelter when needed and our fencing is top quality for safety.


Our Staff


Keith & Ginger Myers

Owners & Founders of Coteau Grove Farms

Andrew Cary

Bloodstock Agent

Leroy Cyprian

Horse Farm Manager

Camille Ardoin

Office Manager

Hunter Myers

Farm Manager

Jacob Cyprian

Foaling Manager